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Our Technology

Imagine the day when a doctor or a patient can look at a single-screen summary of a patient's physiologic health in real-time or retrospectively for the past week or proactively for the upcoming week. That day is here! ​


We can envision that every doctor visit will require monitoring for routine visits as well as during post procedures.   We envision remote monitoring for a significant number of chronic conditions for at-risk patients. We hope to disrupt healthcare in a significant way, similar to some of the technological disruptions that have occurred in recent years. 


Since 2014, we have been quietly developing our breakthrough technologies that we believe will revolutionize physiologic monitoring for patients remotely and in the hospital. We combine our proprietary feather-weight patch and algorithms that we developed before Artificial Intelligence (AI) came into vogue, resulting in the only platform of its kind!


For the past several years, we have been testing our system with the U.S. Military. Their personnel have put it through rigorous testing in extremely harsh conditions. Many report, "I forgot I was wearing it!" Medics and leadership like    it as it helps keep the troops safe. ​


© 2023 LifeLens Technologies, Inc.
LifeLens word and logo mark are registered trademarks of LifeLens Technologies, Inc. in the United States.

​LifeLens Wireless ECG Monitor is indicated for use on patients who may be asymptomatic or who may suffer from transient symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, light headedness, pre-syncope, syncope, fatigue, chest pain and/or anxiety. The LifeLens Wireless ECG Monitor is intended for use by patients 18 years or older. The LifeLens Wireless ECG Monitor is not intended to be worn during defibrillation.   The system is not yet FDA cleared for other indications.

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